Monday 2 September 2013

Fable Three: My kingdom of pies!

Alex suggested I start Fable Three a while back, as he knew I'd love it. It served many purposes, first it gave me some experience outside of the co-op shooters I've been trying to whizz through with him (I'm trying to build up a decent list of games under my belt. Shooters are the way to go, right?), second it provided a good, steady, lengthy storyline for me to get my teeth stuck into in between all the side-games.

For three weeks after starting it I pretty much played nothing but.

Shifting forward a bit now and I'm avoiding it like the Love Film salespeople in town. It's not that I dislike it, I'm just all pie'd out.

Y'see, I'm one of those goody goodies when it comes to gaming. I hate making the morally 'wrong' choice in any story. My main character must always be squeeky-clean (apart from a few little adventurous encounters on occassion, should my moral standing not be effected by such things.. Read: Bowerstone's People of the Night) and other than three small negative interactions I committed early on in the game, not realising they were bad, my character is as wholesome and good as I can manage so far.

Then Alex let slip that in the second part of the game, if I want to be good I'm going to have to bring in a lot of squilla for the luxury.

And so the endless pressing of X Y and A began... Most days I'd spend exploring Albion in the relative safety of daylight and when evening came I would fast-travel to the likes of Bowerstone or Brightwall to play shady, tuneless hits to seemingly adoring fans on the streets. Every single night. Do you know what that does to one's ankles?

Every so often I'd go off to partake in a cheeky bit of pie-fingering, just to mix things up a bit. But each and every time I was met by the same pie-maker who seemed to think every pie I made was the pie of the decade. I know not how she made any money, as she also seemed to be taking each one home with her for pudding...

Owning pretty much all the shops I've been able to get my mitts on has been useful for earning profit over time, but it's still not enough. I could absolutely quite my whining and do some side-quests while the dollar builds up by itself, but I'm a stubborn lass. I will not end my money-hoarding until I've made at LEAST 6 million.

So.. Only 3Mil to go then...

But since I now have no motivation to hop into the game when all that awaits me is fake-cheers,bshallow people who love me only for which makeup pack I'm wearing and a thieving crazy pie lady who steals from her OWN stall - my kingdom shall have to wait. I'm cheating on it for Oblivion anyway.

Are there any games you've totally ruined for yourself?

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