Wednesday 4 September 2013

Next Gen: Sony, you cheeky things you!

Oh Sony... You just might have converted me!

So if you have the patience to read the last post, you'll see I'm all about the Xbox.
That is where I pledge my soul.
And y'all know about this raging war between the hardcore Sonys and Microsofts of the world?
Well I feel just as patriotic.
Though I absolutely loved gaming on the PS Vita, I owe all my allegiance to Microsoft and have never dreamed of buying any gaming product Sony has ever put out. Until the next gen shebang arrived.

Boy is my head screwed up now!

At first it was a downright Xbox One all the way. Purely out of honor alone. Before any information was released it was a no-brainer that our bedsit would one day have an Xbox One on the floor where the 360 used to live. End of. Sony was never even slightly an option...

But after a month-long decision making process, we're actually really considering going for the Play Station 4. Shock dang horror!

What's made this decision so hard is that it's pretty much mutually concrete, and we're both devastated over a single Xbox One exclusive whose franchise has been a MASSIVE part of both our gaming experiences... Guessed it yet? Its younger brothers feature heavily in the last post..

Halo Five.


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